Madison Heights Goodfellows—TrynEx® Adopts a Family for the Holidays

TrynEx International employees enjoy giving back to their community, especially around the holidays. We partner annually with The Madison Heights Goodfellows, a nonprofit organization, to ensure that no child goes without a Christmas.
This year, the team adopted an entire family of three children within the ages of 6 to 9. Various items were donated, including Legos, LOL Dolls and a Chess Set as well as necessities like warm clothing, pajamas and snow pants. (You better believe we wanted to make sure the kids enjoyed the snow this winter!) We proudly checked off every item on the children’s wish list and even included a few additional gift cards.
Looking for a way to give back to the community? Contact the Goodfellows at the Madison Heights Police Department, located at 280 W 13 Mile Road. They are always welcoming donations and grateful when volunteers offer to help in any way they can. For more information, call 248-585-2100 and ask for Officer Alan Fecteau, the current president of the Goodfellows.