SnowEx® Scrape Maxx™ Adds Down-Force Ability to All Existing SnowEx Truck Plows

SnowEx® has introduced Scrape Maxx™ down-force kit, an exclusive accessory kit for snowplows in the existing SnowEx product lineup. The Scrape Maxx feature gives SnowEx plows the ability to apply active downward force to bust through hard packed snow, back drag more effectively, and maximize scraping performance down to the pavement.
All SnowEx plows (with the exception of UTV plows) are already built with this ability, but Scrape Maxx harnesses the power to deliver the right amount of force. This new accessory is particularly advantageous for users of SnowEx Light Truck and Regular-Duty plows. By increasing down-force, Scrape Maxx effectively allows a light-duty plow to deliver commercial-grade performance. The technology improves both back dragging and overall clearing capabilities without needing to upgrade to a larger vehicle or heavier plow.
When activated on heavier plows, Scrape Maxx provides additional force to keep the blade against the surface. This helps deliver a cleaner scrape when plowing over uneven terrain, and makes the plow an even more effective weapon on back dragging jobs.
Since Scrape Maxx utilizes the capacities already built into SnowEx plows, installation takes just minutes and user control is easy. Operators can simply press and hold the down button to engage the feature, and Scrape Maxx does the rest.