8 Traits Every Successful Snow Plow Driver Has That Can Positively Impact Your Business
Created May 29, 2020
When hiring new plow drivers, there are certain characteristics that anticipate a good fit for the job. Your employees are the face of your business and a valid aspect to evaluate when looking at your company as a whole. Especially with the rise of online reviews, it’s a big deal to have reliable employees that positively represent your company. Other than the obvious traits like being a good driver and having a strong work ethic, there are a few other key aspects to consider in your next hire.
Self-Motivated Individual
Most plow drivers work independently, so they need to be self-motivated in order to get the job done in a timely manner. Every minute counts during a snow emergency and there’s only so much you can teach someone before they become a self-learner. Motivation and experience are essential in this business.
Meticulous Attention to Detail
Clear properties ensure happy clients. Paying attention to the details is vital to a well groomed property, those little things can add up to success or failure. Watching for markers along the property is important to eliminate potential property damage and clear walkways without disrupting turf and foliage.
Adaptable Personality
Not every storm is the same, so even the best intentions can be thrown out the window when things don’t go according to plan. In order to be successful they have to think ahead, be flexible and well prepared to solve any problems that may occur. Planning for each event in advance with a fully stocked truck will allow them to adapt to any snow emergency in a moment’s notice.
Communicative & Punctual
With any type of work, communication is key to a well-oiled team and a smooth process. An open dialogue with clear direction ensures safety for the crew and reduces confusion on the job. It also helps establish proper communication to your customers—if a parking lot is supposed to be clear by 7am, there shouldn’t be an 8am call wondering why their property hasn’t been plowed. Miscommunication can easily kill a long term relationship and result in a lost account.
Cool Demeanor
Having the right attitude is important for this type of job. Being cool, calm and collected ensures that they can continue to drive safely, work under pressure and avoid mistakes during difficult times. Hurdles are to be expected when snow plowing, what matters is how they are dealt with.
Efficient Manner
The more efficient a driver is, the more profitable they will be for your business. If you set them up with the right equipment and a clear understanding of the logistics, they should be able to execute a property like a pro. Knowing where to stack snow, minimize business disruptions and complete the property in minimal passes is crucial to being a successful plow driver.
Night Owl Tendencies
When the snow starts falling, the clock starts ticking and most snowfall happens at night due to the drop in temperature. Plow drivers usually have to adapt their sleep schedule according to the snowfall forecast. It’s harder to stay awake at nighttime so being well rested and staying alert is imperative to safety when plowing.
Mechanical Intuition
Knowing how to fix common breaks on the job is a great skillset to have. Having to go back to the shop every time something isn’t running right isn’t efficient and can disrupt your timeframe set for the route schedule. Be prepared with an emergency parts kit and common tools that may be needed. Hiccups happen, but when you’re well prepared it allows you to quickly fix the issue and move onto the next job.
Great plow drivers are comprised of many personality traits that can positively impact your business. By looking out for these key signs in your next hire, it’s easy to foresee a great fit for the job.